
A fusion of artistic passion and unwavering love for animals, Nimmy George brings a unique blend of creativity and compassion to her role as the Post Adoptions Coordinator at PAWS Thrissur. With a rich background as an art enthusiast and teacher, Nimmy’s journey extends beyond the canvas into the realm of environmental conservation.

Having spent 8 years as an art teacher in Sharjah, Nimmy decided to return to her roots in Thrissur. In her hometown, she has explored diverse pursuits, from running a stitching studio to conducting art classes, showcasing her versatile talents. Currently, Nimmy dedicates her time to managing her family farm, where she and her husband nurture a variety of plants and birds.

Nimmy’s commitment to the well-being of animals goes hand in hand with her artistic flair. As the Post Adoptions Coordinator, she plays a crucial role in ensuring that the transition of animals to their new homes is seamless and filled with care. Her attention to detail, coupled with her genuine love for animals, makes her an invaluable asset to the PAWS Thrissur team.